Saturday, March 8, 2008

Climb Up Kennesaw Mountain

Yesterday this also went on the list of “But I don’t WANNA do it.” It seems that friends at work have started this campaign to go everyday at 2:30 to run (or walk really intentionally) up the Mountain (which if you’ve ever seen a mountain you would call a hill). The point of this story is that I got there before my pals but thought I was after them so I went barreling up at top speeds…

only to have it occur to me a pretty good ways up that I was probably ahead. I took some time just sitting and staring at the view which was calming and quite lovely.

I caught them on my way down and had a friend join me for the return trip which was also nice. On a side note I figured out how to take video with my phone both with and without sound... ok so the first time I just didn't realize it had sound and then how to sync it to the Mac here at home so I can get all those pictures and videos onto the web for the world to see. Yay me!

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