Sunday, September 23, 2007

Park(ing) Day 2007

Weird news comes through for me again as I read a fun story about leasing small pieces of land. Apparently according to San Francisco oridinance, when you pay a parking meter you are leasing that land for any legal purpose. So, a group has formed to spend one day a year turning parking spaces into parks. That's right, the pay the meters and then put down sod, trees, benches, or whatever else and open some new public green space... for that day 'till the meter runs out.

After reading the story, I headed over to the official website, and got tickled reading all about it. They have a map of the Bay Area to check out all the parks for the official day, and links to Park(ing) Day sites around the world. For even more informaion the Trust for Public Land had a very informative site.

Checking out Flickr lead me to some great pics by Stewf
And Laughing Squid

A quick perusal of lent this quick clip from Paddington which is amusing to watch. There's lots more that are more informative but didn't make me giggle.

1 comment:

  1. This looks like fun! :-) The best part is that you don't have to mow. The only thing I was thinking was what do they do with the sod at the end of the day?
